Sunday, May 1, 2011

NEW TOOL is coming to Bill Marston's website

This is from Ira Flatow's famous NPR weekly program  SCIENCE friday !!

Be well,

   Bill Marston
- Use it up, wear it out. Make it do or do without. - early American saying -


Ecological perspective keeps expanding in the mainstream media... as never before items in the general news are framed in an ecological, wholistic, interdependent fashion.

An extreme example: US military and diplomatic leaders are consistently framing the positions that they support, and which they advise American & foreign policy-makers to embrace, within a perspective of interdependent forces & facts. No longer do we hear "We must defeat the evil-doers" [ex-president Geo W Bush] but rather we are hearing "What serves the Libyan people best? What do THEY really want from us and from our allies (NATO)?" [president Obama's cabinet].

The head-in-the-sand "Know-Nothings" on the conservative side are mostly not participating in this emerging widespread public conversation. For example, here in the state of Pennsylvania, the new governor Corbett [elected by the majority of voters who wanted a new governor who could just make them feel better] refuses to collaborate with ANYONE on the famous Marcellus Shale gas industry. Corbett instead dumps this matter in with EVERYTHING else and treats them all the same, and in the same exceedingly narrow context he acts publicly with such public positions: taxes bad, business good; 'growth' good, balance however is backward.

Single-mindedness in an era of new learning... sigh. And especially while we are provided with an increasing wealth of appropriate field data as well as new understandings which derive from it. Alas.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Strengthen the EPA and Clean Air Act [P.S. for St. Patrick's day I wore my GREEN - my green t-shirt!!]

Gotta get over to PennFuture Philly to bid my good wishes to Christine Knapp. She is moving on to help run the massive, new federally funded innovation center — the GPIC at the Navy Yard.


[next reason: fight to strengthen the Clean Air Act *and* the EPA as a watchdog and protector of the environment in which everything happens & on which everything depends.

March 18, 2011

Use it up, wear it out. Make it do or do without. - early American saying -

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Choose how you prefer civic dialogue to occur.

Use it up, wear it out. Make it do or do without. - early American saying -
